CDP interns wins engineering innovation award
Following the recent and very popular blog “How to succeed as ‘Year in Industry’ students without burning the place down”, we are pleased to announce that our Year in Industry Student, Charlotte, has recently won the Engineering Development Trust’s ‘Award for Innovation’ at a competition in London on 3rd July.
Charlotte explained, “Each finalist presented for five minutes about the projects they have been working on during the year, ranging from cutting-edge heart surgery techniques to sustainable transport in Wales. I talked about an exciting project where I helped create a novel fluidics kit for sample preparation for medical diagnostics. This work could lead to a new technology to enable point of care devices that will give patients immediate test results at a relatively low cost.”
She continued, “I am proud to have won this award. ‘Year in Industry’ is a spectacular scheme and I knew I would take a great deal away from my year, but I never expected this to include a little glass trophy.”
CDP Partner Jez Clements added, “Our congratulations go out to Charlotte for winning this exciting award. It just highlights the value the scheme has in developing the next generation of engineers. We have certainly enjoyed our students’ contribution over the last year and we wish Charlotte and Immy every success when they go to University in September.”