CDP supports local charities with £25,000 donation to mark 25 years
Cambridge Design Partnership (CDP) is donating a total of £25,000 to five charities in Cambridgeshire, UK and Raleigh, NC, USA, where it has fast-growing R&D centers.
CDP is celebrating its 25-year anniversary, having enjoyed record growth over the last 12 months, but recognizes that this period has been uniquely challenging for surrounding communities. Five local charities, four in Cambridgeshire and one in Raleigh, will receive £5,000 to further their mission. CDP is 100% owned by its employees and the charities were nominated by employee owners.
Chris Houghton, Partner, Head of FMCG said: “Our 25th anniversary is a time to reflect on our purpose and culture. Part of that reflection is to acknowledge the way the pandemic has put pressure on the health and wellbeing of those around us and to work to make a positive impact in our local communities. We’ve chosen a range of charities working tirelessly to improve lives locally and we hope our support helps their vital work.”
The five chosen charities are:

NHS – Cambridge & Peterborough (CPFT) JustGiving, Head to Toe funds community projects focused on physical and mental healthcare.
“I am absolutely delighted to learn about CDP’s incredibly kind donation and am especially pleased to learn that this donation is thanks to nominations from staff. Please do pass my utmost thanks on to the team, we’re so grateful for everyone’s support.”
Hannah Wysocki, Head to Toe Manager, JustGiving, Head to Toe.

Cambridge Sustainable Food addresses food poverty, food waste, and creating a sustainable food system.
“This generous donation will be used to further our work to build a more sustainable and resilient food system in Cambridge. We are working hard to create an environmentally and socially just food system, where everyone has access to healthy and sustainable food across the city. CDP’s support will help us to tackle climate change through food-based solutions, such as initiatives that will cut food waste and promote healthy, climate-friendly diets.”
Gemma Birley, Head of Programs, Cambridge Sustainable Food CIC.

Blue Smile addresses mental wellbeing for school pupils through art-based therapies.
“It was a wonderful surprise to be contacted by CDP and learn that we had been nominated for a donation. This kind of giving means the world to us – and is so important in helping to make a difference to local children, especially as we emerge from the pandemic. Your fantastic donation of £5,000 will contribute directly to the provision of 1:1 arts therapy to Cambridgeshire children who are struggling with their mental health, and will help those children to achieve their potential and enjoy the childhoods they deserve. Please pass on a huge thank you to your team.”
Jess Manley, Charity Director, Blue Smile.

Camcycle/Spaces to breathe supports local projects to help sustainable travel and outdoor spaces.
“Throughout the pandemic, Camcycle’s Spaces to Breathe campaign has continuously engaged with local authorities and communities to facilitate emergency active travel measures. As we begin to transition from reaction to recovery, our Zero Carbon Streets campaign will be ramping up with the aim of locking in – and improving on – much of the work that has been done over the past year. CDP’s donation will in part go towards a new technical staff member who will empower residents and authorities to implement high quality, accessible walking and cycling projects for them and generations to come.”
Roxanne De Beaux, Executive Director, Camcycle.

In Raleigh, CDP’s USA team elected to tackle food poverty with a donation to Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina. The charity’s #StopSummerHunger initiative meant donations in June and July, like CDP’s, were matched to provide twice as many meals for the community.
“We’re so grateful to CDP for helping us toward our vision of ‘No One Goes Hungry’. This generous gift will allow the Food Bank to provide the equivalent of 70,580 meals for families struggling to keep food on the table this summer.”
Tessa Johnson, Corporate Partnerships Officer with the Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina.